This Section Is Designed For Aspirants Who Are Currently Working And Need Guidance In Their Preparation
Welcome to IAS KIDS,
The moment the aspirants decide to write the Civil Services Examination to achieve their dream of becoming a civil servant, numerous questions strike their minds and they will search for the best answers. Today the aspirants can easily know more about the examination process, the toppers’ strategies, the books they recommend, and many other things that are helpful for starting their preparation on the internet. One can find that some students may have required coaching to succeed in Civil Services Exam, while others may have succeeded through self-study without taking coaching. In many interviews Civil Services Examination toppers have stated that coaching is not necessary to crack this exam.
Despite this, many students opt to take coaching in order to learn in an organised manner and to get a firm foundation for their preparation. But along with coaching, aspirants need to do a big amount of self-preparation to succeed. This self-preparation process requires reliable sources, to monitor one’s progress, and to improve one’s skills. In this process, aspirants are also looking for answers to their “How-type” questions, such as How do I read a a huge single book?; How long should it take to finish a book? How long should it take to finish the entire syllabus? How should I read the current affairs daily? How much time is required to read a newspaper? How should I read magazines? etc. For practical answers to such questions, students need a reliable source that explains everything in a systematic manner from the very beginning to the very end. This is where “IAS KIDS” comes in. According to us, in front of this huge syllabus and dynamic preparation process, you are just a kid. If you make any mistake and don’t learn from it then you are likely to lose your path in this journey just like a child.
For Book Sources for your basic foundation Click Here